Solid Edge Complete Product Development Portfolio
Solid Edge is a portfolio of reasonable, easy-to-use software tools that addresses all features comprise in the product development process such as 3D design, simulation, manufacturing, data management and more. Solid Edge associates the simplicity and speed of direct modeling with the control and flexibility of parametric design – that uses synchronous technology.
Solid Edge Complete Product Development Portfolio
Solid Edge is an arrangement of moderate, simple to-utilize programming devices that tends to all parts of the item improvement process– 3D plan, reproduction, fabricating, information the executives and the sky is the limit from there. Strong Edge joins the speed and effortlessness of direct demonstrating with the adaptability and control of parametric plan – made conceivable with synchronous innovation.

Latest Release
Solid Edge 2022: Engineered to nurture your business
By partnering with the Siemens customers, more than 500 enhancements are added to the latest Solid Edge release – supporting modern product development processes, allowing you to do more with your resources and enabling new ways of working.
The simplicity of direct modeling with the control of parametric design
Try Solid Edge for Free
Design a Part with Synchronous Technology
Import and Edit 3D Data
Create a Top Down Assembly
Create a Detailed Drawing
Design a Sheet Metal Part
Using Solid Edge with synchronous technology I can actually do many more iterations now that I wasn’t able to do before. And because of that, the cost of the product comes down. The weight of the product comes down. The performance goes up. The warranty is a lot longer. Quality loves it. We love it. The profit margin loves it.
Using Solid Edge with synchronous technology I can actually do many more iterations now that I wasn’t able to do before. And because of that, the cost of the product comes down. The weight of the product comes down. The performance goes up. The warranty is a lot longer. Quality loves it. We love it. The profit margin loves it.
A complete set of solutions
Solid Edge offers customers with a full portfolio of solutions to reach a wide range of business requirements. Solid Edge not only provides rich design solutions, but also scalable solutions for manufacturing, simulation, and data management.
3D Design
Flexibility, speed, and next generation design
The whole thing you require in a design solution, including additive manufacturing, synchronous technology, reverse engineering and generative modeling.
Electrical Design
Cohesive electrical design
Solve electrical design challenges at the initial stage in the design cycle. Solid Edge electrical design software satisfies the requirements of businesses where value and ease of use are equally major factor as functionality.
Customizable simulation software that operates design
Changes are made when they are easiest by starting simulation early in design, manufacturing cost is reduced, and manufacturing time is shortened.
Data Management
Scalable way to data management
A technique that satisfy the needs of all manufacturers, from very small firms and startups to larger firms having distributed processes.
Additive and traditional manufacturing
Resolutions to carry a variety of new and traditional manufacturing methods, including welding, machining, molding, sheet metal, and additive manufacturing.
Technical Publications
Lively technical publications
Swiftly create many sorts of technical documents, like, interactive technical documents for manufacturing and service or simple illustrations for end user manuals.
Next-generation collaboration
Securely, instantly, and easily collaborate with partners, colleagues, and customers with Siemens’ cloud-based, next-generation collaboration solution, Xcelerator Share.
A complete set of solutions
Solid Edge provides users with a full portfolio of solutions to meet a wide range of business needs. Solid Edge not only offers rich design solutions, but scalable solutions for simulation, manufacturing and data management as well.
Mechanical Design
Speed, flexibility and next generation design
Enhancing incredible plan devices with topology streamlining, generative structure speeds formation of lighter parts consummately appropriate for prompt production through the present added substance forms. Or then again utilize Solid Edge to additionally refine the shape for increasingly customary assembling.
Electrical Design
Integrated electrical design
Beat electrical plan difficulties from the get-go in the structure cycle. Strong Edge electrical structure programming was created to fulfill the necessities of organizations where usability and esteem are as significant as usefulness.
Scalable simulation software that drives design
By beginning reenactment right off the bat in configuration, changes are made when they are most straightforward, time-to-fabricate is abbreviated, and cost-to-produce can be decreased.
Data Management
Scalable data management
Exploit versatile information the executives arrangements, from abilities incorporated with Solid Edge to the full PLM capacities of Teamcenter.
Traditional and additive manufacturing
Assembling generation or model parts utilizing customary CNC machining or new 3D printing and added substance producing capacities.
Technical Publications
Dynamic technical publications
Rapidly make 3D specialized distributions that unmistakably convey the most proficient assembling, establishment and upkeep forms for your items.
Cloud-based collaboration
Experience free online CAD the board, survey, and coordinated effort with the Solid Edge Portal, including program based access for review and markup and secure, controlled sharing.
Customer Stories