solid edge electrical design software - SitechPLM

Electrical Design

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Electrical design software for ECAD MCAD association

Solid Edge helps you defeat electromechanical design challenges with a keen solution for electrical design—enabling true co-design collaboration across electric and mechanical domains. Our electrical design products are reliable and proven worldwide, grounded on industry-leading technology.

Solid Edge Free trial
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Electrical design software for ECAD MCAD collaboration

Solid Edge causes you defeat electromechanical plan difficulties with a committed answer for electrical structure—empowering genuine co-plan coordinated effort crosswise over electrical and mechanical spaces. In view of industry-driving innovation from Mentor Graphics, a Siemens business, our electrical plan items are trusted and demonstrated the world over.

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Model your design into 3D – Engineer the electric particulars

Solid Edge solutions for electrical design permits you:

  • Design and pretend electrical systems, from simple electrical routes to compound wire attaches
  • Route wiring and place mechanisms in 3D assembly replicas
  • Prepare 2D engineering control panel plans
  • Examine your representations to calculate the correct wire lengths and wire harness plans
  • Use virtual imitation to ensure circuitry performs per requirement without waiting for physical models
  • Interactively cooperate between ECAD and MCAD domains, even in dissolve locations
  • Imagine electrical aspects of your design in a 3D situation
  • Fully integrate PCB layout and mechanical design situations
  • Access robust libraries and parts sources
  • Increase efficiency with the entire Teamcenter data organization
electromechanical design collaboration e

How to Improve Electromechanical Design Association

White Paper
How can an effective partnership increase productivity and deliver a robust design? And what do you do to connect electrical and mechanical design teams?

Wiring Design in Solid Edge

Generate fast, accurate 2D layout of manufacturing control panels with cabinet panel design abilities. Solid Edge Wiring Design prepares the design of industrial control panels with new cabinet panel abilities that allow the recycling of schematic intelligence to generate panel layout.

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