Moldex3D Product - SitechPLM


Moldex3D Products Overview

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Moldex3D is the world leading CAE product for the plastics injection molding industry. With the best-in-class analysis technology, Moldex3D can help you simulate the widest application range of injection molding processes to optimize product design and manufacturability, shorten time-to-market, and maximize product ROI.


CAD-Embedded Pre-Processing
Superior Automatic 3D Mesh Engine
High Resolution 3D Mesh Technology
High Performance Parallel Computing

Moldex3D Mesh

Moldex3D Mesh supports various mesh types, including 2D triangular and quadrilateral, 3D tetrahedral, prismatic, hexagonal, voxel (brick) and pyramid meshes. Several mainstream meshing methods are available in Moldex3D Mesh: pure triangle surface meshing, quadrilateral dominate surface meshing, pure tetra generation, boundary layer meshing, pure voxel meshing, hybrid meshing method and midplane mesh extraction. You can choose among them to create the mesh model depending on your specific simulation needs.



A pre-processing tool with robust meshing technologies and different mesh elements to boost work efficiency in solid mesh preparation.
Offer pure triangle surface meshing and quadrilateral dominate surface meshing Provide automatic tetra, boundary layer mesh, hybrid mesh, and voxel mesh generationEnable to generate very fine mesh for complicated 3D geometry.
Provide auto-check and auto-fix tools to ensure the mesh quality for accuracy of analysis.
The mesh input/output formats that are supported by Moldex3D Mesh are as follows.
Software Solid mesh Shell mesh
input output input output
ABAQUS *.inp
ANSYS *.ans *.ans *.ans *.ans
FEMAP *.neu
HyperMesh *.ans *.unv
IDEAS *.unv *.unv
Moldex3D *.mfe *.mfe *.msh *.msh
MSC.Nastran *.dat *.dat
MSC.Patran *.pat *.pat
Creo (Pro/Engineer) *.fnf *.fem
STL *.stl

Product Portfolio and Features

● Essential features contained      ○ Optional features

Professional Basic eDesign Professional Advanced

Mesh Technology

Boundary Layer Mesh (BLM)
Solid (Hexa, Prism, Pyramid, Hybrid)
Shell (2.5D Mesh)

Standard Injection Molding

Solver Capabilities
Simultaneous Analysis (max.) 1 1 1 3
Parallel Processing (PP) 4 4 8 12
Cloud Extension
Material Database 1
Thermoplastic Injection Molding (IM)
Reaction Injection Molding (RIM)
Simulation Capabililties
Surface Defect Prediction
Venting Analysis
Gate Design
Cold & Hot Runners
Runner Balancing
Machine Response 2
Transient Mold Cooling or Heating
Conformal Cooling
3D Coolant CFD
Rapid Temperature Cycling
Induction Heating
Heating Elements
Insert Molding
Multi-shot Sequential Molding

Solution Add-on

CAD Interoperability
Moldex3D CADdoctor
Fiber Reinforced Plastics
Fiber 4
FEA Interface 5
Micromechanics Interface 6
Moldex3D Digimat-RP
Viecoelasticiry (VE)
Design Management and Optimization
Expert (DOE)
Advanced Hot Runner (AHR)
In-Mold Decoration (IMD)
Special Molding Processes
Powder Injection Molding (PIM)
Foam Injection Molding (FIM)
Gas-Assisted Injection Molding (GAIM)
Water-Assisted Injection Molding (WAIM)
Co-Injection Molding (CoIM)
Bi-Injection Molding (BiIM)
PU Chemical Foaming Molding (CFM)
Compression Molding (CM)
Injection Compression Molding (ICM)
Resin Transfer Molding (RTM)

Moldex3D Micromechanics Interface supports Digimat and CONVERSE.
Database: Thermoplastics materials, thermoset materials, molding materials, coolant materials, and mold materials.
Machine Response function requiresthe machine file received from Machine Characterization service.
Moldex3D SYNC supports PTC® Creo®, NX, and SOLIDWORKS ®.
Flat Fiber and Flow-Fiber Coupling function require additional license EnhancedFiber.
Moldex3D FEA Interface supports Abaqus, ANSYS, MSC.Nastran, NXNastran, LS-DYNA, MSC.Marc, and OptiStruct.
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