SITECH PLM - NX | Data Exchange | CAD Visualization
NX Productivity Tools

Maximize speed, productivity and efficiency with advanced tools, utilities and technologies – collaboration, visualization, customization, synchronous technology, data exchange, and content migration.

NX Productivity Tools  tcm

Accelerate New Product Development Processes

NX includes a broad range of productivity tools, utilities and capabilities that help you maximize speed and efficiency in your new product development process.

Communication and Collaboration

With NX, you can easily communicate and collaborate with customers, suppliers and partners – even if they are using other CAD systems.

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Communication Collaboration tcm
Visualization and Rendering

NX includes high-performance tools that help you visualize your products using material types, textures, smoothness, finish, lighting and backgrounds. You can easily create animations, showroom scenes and photorealistic renderings.

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CADVisualization Rendering tcm
Customization and Programming

NX delivers a robust toolkit for developing custom applications, including a language-independent application programming interface and rapid automation tools.

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NX CAD Customization Programming tcm
Synchronous Technology

From design through manufacturing, NX takes advantage of synchronous technology, an innovation that enables you to create and edit geometry with unparalleled speed and ease – even using geometry created on other product development systems.

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Data Exchange

NX facilitates data sharing with other CAD systems with a full range of data exchange tools. These include the most commonly used translators needed to bring data into and out of NX – standard exchange format translators and translators for specific systems.

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Data Exchange tcm
Content Migration ToolsData Exchange

When you move to NX, you can use robust content migration tools to quickly and efficiently leverage your investment in legacy product data, while reducing the time, effort and risk required to re-use information from other systems.

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Content Migration Tools tcm
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