Cutting Tool Management
Plan cutting tool utilization to ensure that tools are properly prepared and available for scheduled jobs.

An Integrated, Scalable Solution to Manage Tools on the Shop Floor
Manage MyTools is the shop floor tool management system for Siemens’ Sinumerik Integrate. Manage MyTools provides a complete overview of all existing and required tools at any time, including actual tool data on machine tools and tool magazines, their location and remaining tool life.
By combining the use of this cutting tool management software with NX CAM and Teamcenter, you can ensure that the tools specified in your manufacturing plan are the right tools used in production.
Monitor Tools
By using an integrated cutting tool management and identification system, you can monitor the life of each individual tool. You can determine the actual tool requirements for the following production period by comparing to the current status of the tool in the machine.

Plan Tool Utilization
You can automate measuring and inspection with a networked presetter station to capture important tool preparation data including tool length, diameter, corner radius, service life and cutting edge quality. You can then calculate offset and remaining cycle times for each tool and insert. Manage MyTools supports many tool carrier types, including Moby, Balluf, Bilz and Barcode. The chip/barcode on the holder is used to identify and track the tool. When using Siemens Sinumerik controllers, Manage MyTools can check and compare the available tools against the job tool list requirements.

Scalable Solution
Manage MyTools scales to support a wide range of production requirements. You can start with a shop floor cutting tool management solution that connects to the presetter for tool data transfer and loading/unloading of tools on a single machine. You can also extend the manufacturing infrastructure to manage tools for the entire production facility while also connecting to the Teamcenter planning system for direct transfer of planning data to production.

Solution Connectivity
The planning data generated by NX CAM software and managed by Teamcenter includes the tool list for each job, which can be read into the Manage MyTools cutting tool management system. Manage MyTools uses the tool list to prepare the tool utilization plan.