Shop Floor Program Validation
Validate NC programs on dedicated machine tool simulators (virtual machine tools) before the start of production.

Advanced Machining Simulation Software
Siemens Virtual Machine is advanced machining simulation software that provides a virtual environment to validate CNC programs. Virtual Machine is just like a second version of your machine tool that is available at any time for testing and pre-machining setup preparation. It is also an ideal environment for NC operator training.
You can use Virtual Machine to ensure that your real machine is always available for production work, instead of testing and training – giving you more production time on the real machine.
Virtual Machine operates within NX and is fully compatible with NX CAM. Virtual machine solutions are built by machine tool OEMs using the software kit available from Siemens for a specific range of machine tools.
Validate the NC Programs on a Virtual Machine Tool
Siemens Virtual Machine is calibrated using configuration data file from the Sinumerik controller on your real machine tool. The system includes the core controller software (virtual NC kernel – VNCK) and the human machine interface (HMI) combined with the full-function machine simulation system. You can achieve a complete simulation of actual machine tool motion by using the software from the controller to drive the 3D machine tool model. The simulation can represent the full set command codes and cycles available on the Sinumerik controller for a specific machine, allowing you to use it for final validation prior machining, saving prove-out time on the real machine tool.

PC-Based Machine Tool Setup
Certain jobs can require hours of setup time, during which the machine tool is unproductive. With the Virtual Machine, you can setup the machine tool, validate new programs, and make necessary adjustments in the virtual environment on your PC. Blanks and fixture components can be imported or created in the virtual environment. After completing the shop floor program validation in the Virtual Machine, you can then setup the actual machine tool in a fraction of the time and cost.

Partner Development Kit
A virtual machine solution is normally built by machine tool OEMs, using the software kit available from Siemens for a specific range of machine tools. The toolkit for Sinumerik-controlled machines includes machining simulation software, the VNCK software kernel and the HMI software. A 3D CAD assembly model of the machine tool is required for use in the virtual machine. The kinematics (limits of the travel) are added using the simulation software in the development kit.

Solution Connectivity
Teamcenter’s centralized data and process management capabilities can be used to manage the CNC data files needed for shop floor program validation. Data and process management ensures that the Virtual Machine uses the right data, including correct tooling, and latest NC program for accurate machine tool simulation.