Automating Design using NX Mold | NX Progressive Die - SitechPLM
Tooling and Fixture Design

Automate the design of molds, progressive dies, stamping dies, and fixtures using NX process-based design applications.

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Advanced Automation and Process Simulation

NX streamlines the entire tool development process including part design, tool assembly layout, and detailed tooling design and validation. Using NX’s advanced functionality, step-by-step guidance and associativity with part designs, you can work with even the most challenging tooling and fixture designs.

NX Mold Design

NX Mold Design automates and streamlines the entire mold development process including part design, tool design and motion validation. You can ensure fast response to design changes and high-quality molds.

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NX Mold Design tcm
NX Progressive Die Design

NX guides you through all of the stages required to design a progressive die, automating the most tedious tasks and streamlining the most complex processes. NX Progressive Die Design is a comprehensive solution for both straight break and freeform sheet metal parts. You can design the complete die structure with associativity to the part design at every stage.

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NX Stamping Die Design

The advanced capabilities in NX for designing automotive stamping dies include formability analysis, die planning, die face design, detailed die structure design and die validation. NX Stamping Die Design guides you in defining the process used to manufacture complex stamped sheet metal parts, producing a representation of the press line and modeling the shape of the sheet metal as it leaves each press.

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NX Electrode Design

NX Electrode Design incorporates numerous industry best practices into a step-by-step approach that automates the electrode design and manufacturing process.

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NX Electrode Design tcm
NX for Jig and Fixture Design

Because jig and fixture designs are fully associative to the part model, you can quickly and accurately update fixtures based on part model changes. You can easily position and mate fixture components with the NX assembly capabilities, and then automatically create drawings and documentation for the fixture and its components. NX also allows you to simulate the kinematics of fixtures, such as opened and closed positions, and check for strength and distortion.

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Solution Connectivity

You can use Teamcenter to manage your data for re-use. The standardized resources enable you to achieve maximum efficiency:

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  • Use the NX-Teamcenter integration for full data management.
  • Work from a database of re-usable tool, fixture assemblies and components.
  • Easily search and retrieve parts across a full classification structure.
  • Re-use standard tool and fixture components for faster design.
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Robotics Programming

Robotic workcells are a very affordable way to cover large, multi-axis work envelopes for a wide variety of relatively low-force machining functions, such as trimming and grinding, deburring, polishing, finishing, gluing and light cutting. NX CAM Robotics software lets you design, simulate, validate, optimize and offline program your industrial robots for those tasks.

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CAM robotics programming tcm
Solution Connectivity

Connecting NX CAM software to Teamcenter software for data and process management establishes a basis for an extended part manufacturing solution. All types of data, including 3D part models, setup sheets, tool lists and CNC output files can be easily managed with full revision control. This data and process management ensures that the right data, including correct tooling, and right NC programs are deployed, resulting in reduced delays and costs.

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