Engineering | Geometry | FE Parameter Optimization - Sitech PLM
Engineering Optimization

Reduce component weight or find the right combination of parameters to improve product performance through comprehensive optimization capabilities, such as:

  • Geometry Optimization
  • FE Parameter Optimization
engineering optimization

Simulation-Based Optimization to Develop the Right Design Faster

How can I change the shape of this component while ensuring strength? What is the best combination of these parameters to improve performance? Engineering optimization techniques have been widely used to answer these types of questions by systematically searching for the best design that satisfies certain criteria.

Simcenter 3D provides simulation based optimization solutions for geometry optimization, while working with standard commercial finite element solvers. In addition, the NX Nastran solver includes independent capabilities for finite element parameter optimization.

Geometry Optimization

Optimize designs by specifying geometry parameters, including feature dimensions and section properties, as variables in the engineering optimization process.

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Geometry Optimization
FE Parameter Optimization

Perform design sensitivity analysis and optimization based on finite element parameters, such as physical and material properties and mesh-associated data.

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FE Parameter Optimization tcm
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