Artwork Design and Proofing - SitechPLM

Artwork layout and proofing, managed inside the product lifecycle

artwork design proofing teamcenter

Artwork Design and Proofing

Artwork layout and proofing require consistent verbal exchange among providers and architects. This includes markup – regularly at a pixel by means of pixel degree – of the virtual property, layout, and artwork, which may be cumbersome.

Teamcenter® Advanced Proofing can help you expand artwork more efficiently. Using Teamcenter, inner reviewers can offer remarks on product and product family trade impact, and outside reviewers and companies can provide first-rate marketing and packaging substances. You can make comments and annotations on the document which are managed and captured robotically inside Teamcenter, and associated with the digital property, designs, and layouts. You can use advanced markup talents together with collaborative review/markup, deep zoom, color separation, across an extensive range of supported report types. For designers, Teamcenter may be hosted in Adobe Creative Cloud gear consisting of Adobe® Illustrator®, InDesign®, and Photoshop® to revise, open, edit and store illustrations, which additionally facilitates to enhance the timeliness and great.

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