Connect your manufacturing engineering and production teams

Part Manufacturing Data & Process Management
Define the complete and distinct part manufacturing manner plans to improve your productivity. Assign resources, specs and plant information to every operation step to guarantee that the right people use the proper statistics at the time it’s wished.
Easily create and manage a centralized digital library of your manufacturing engineering sources that can be directly accessed out of your integrated CAD, CAM, and CMM software program.
Make superb elements by way of leveraging the unmarried source of facts to supply the right manufacturing making plans data into manufacturing.
Read more about the powerful features for Part Manufacturing Data & Process Management below.

Connecting to the Shop Floor
Use an unmarried supply of records to attach planning and manufacturing. Deliver the best records without delay to your manufacturing device, which include CNC machines, CMMs, and robots.
Cutting Tool Management
Maximize machine uptime with an integrated tool cycle management solution to gain a complete and detailed overview of the use and location of your cutting tools.

Manufacturing Resource Library
Manage all your manufacturing resources, including tools, fixtures, and machines, using a single digital library. This allows you to access classified and fully defined cutting tool assemblies directly from NX CAM software.
Routing Authoring & Process Management
Collaboratively define complete manufacturing process plans that describe what is being manufactured, how it will be manufactured, what resources will be required, and where it will be produced.