Teamcenter | Data & Simulation Management - Sitech PLM
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Do you need PLM, but don’t know where to start?

Take the first step to manage and share product designs, documents, BOMs and data with Teamcenter. Use standardized workflows and change processes to streamline efficiency throughout your organization.

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Design Data Management and Simulation Management

A single product design data management environment for mechanical, electronic, software and simulation tools and data

Teamcenter provides cross-domain product design and simulation management through integrations with the MCAD, ECAD, software development, and simulation tools and processes your design teams use every day. By integrating your current multi-domain design tools with Teamcenter, you can transform otherwise disconnected tools and processes into a single product design and simulation management environment that enables you to lower costs, improve quality, and increase design productivity.

If you’re like most manufacturers, your design engineers work in different locations using a variety of mechanical computer-aided design (MCAD), electronic CAD (ECAD), software development, and simulation tools from multiple vendors. Even if you’re using your MCAD system’s product data management (PDM) software, it is also a challenge to see how a product’s parts and components work together when they are designed in separate tools. Add the complex interaction of integrated mechanical, electronics and software components, and creating a complete product design becomes a greater challenge.

Teamcenter takes PDM to a whole new level. Teamcenter provides cross-domain design data management through integrations with the MCAD, ECAD, software development, and simulation tools and processes your design teams use every day. You can manage, find, share and re-use multi-domain data across geographically distributed design centers through a single, secure source of product design and simulation data. You can understand the complex relationships and dependencies between requirements and all the subsystems and design domains across all the possible configurations of the product, even as changes are introduced. You can also create assemblies from parts generated by multiple suppliers that involve complex interactions of subsystems, then prepare and validate the readiness of the design and bill of materials for fabrication, assembly and test.

By integrating your current multi-domain design tools with Teamcenter, you can transform otherwise disconnected tools and processes into a single, cross-domain design data management environment that enables you to lower costs, improve quality, and increase design productivity.


Multi-CAD Design Data Management for MCAD

Teamcenter provides design data management with multi-CAD support so that your design teams can create, manage, visualize, validate and re-use native design data across a wide selection of MCAD systems, including NX and Solid Edge from Siemens PLM Software, as well as AutoCAD®, CATIA®, Inventor®, Pro/ENGINEER® and SolidWorks®. Using our JT 3D visualization standard, you can create integrated multi-CAD designs using parts and components from different MCAD tools. You can collaborate on designs, even if you don’t have access to the MCAD tools that authored them.

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ECAD Design Data Management


“Teamcenter supports integrations with all major ECAD systems. The rich design data management capabilities for printed circuit board (PCB) and wire harness release management enable you to find the right data quickly. The enterprise-wide ECAD parts library management reduces costs by eliminating inconsistent and inaccurate ECAD part data. The ECAD viewer, ECAD-MCAD exchange support and assembly/test analysis tools promote close collaboration within and across domains and organizational functions.

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Software Design Management


Teamcenter provides software design data management by integrating software engineering data and processes with product lifecycle management (PLM). Leveraging a multi-domain lifecycle integration framework, Teamcenter enables the seamless integration of application lifecycle management (ALM) tools, data and processes. With this ALM-PLM integration, you can manage your software designs in a holistic product view, and manage software design processes as an integral part of the overall product lifecycle.

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Simulation Data and Process Management


Teamcenter can help you validate performance targets by simulating products across a variety of multi-domain and multi-physics issues. Using Teamcenter capabilities specifically designed for managing models, simulation data, and simulation processes, you can quickly derive and generate the computer-aided engineering (CAE) structure from the MCAD or ECAD structures. For complex products, you may use tens or hundreds of different simulation tools to verify performance targets and meet validation contracts. Teamcenter provides a framework for codeless integration with these tools so that data from Teamcenter can be delivered to the tools. Results can then be captured and stored in Teamcenter along with all the correct associations to design and requirements data.

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Get Up and Running Quickly with Preconfigured PDM

If you need PDM for your small- or medium-sized business, and your primary focus is to take control of multi-CAD and ECAD data and processes, consider the Teamcenter Rapid Start deployment option. With preconfigured groups, roles and processes based on PDM best practices, you can get up and running with Teamcenter quickly and cost-effectively.

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Document and Content Management

Create and manage higher-quality product documents and technical publications on-time and under-budget

Teamcenter brings your document development and management processes into your PLM environment, synchronizing them with your product development processes and keeping documents and technical publications up-to-date with product changes. From an advanced Microsoft Office® interface, and a structured authoring and publishing environment for SGML/XML technical publishing, you can greatly reduce the effort to generate accurate, effective documents that can be tailored by market, language or product.

In the course of the product lifecycle, your teams create specifications, analysis reports, 2D/3D illustrations, spreadsheets, test results, and technical publications. Every document must be accurate and completed on-time. As products and markets become more diverse globally, it becomes more difficult to keep your documents up-to-date with product development and market changes, especially when you’re under the pressure of ever-tightening schedules. Document and content management is critical to your success.

Teamcenter document and content management solutions manage documents and technical publications in the same product lifecycle management (PLM) system as all your other product-related information. Your authors have direct access to product information as the products evolve, and can work to the same milestones. You can keep your product design and documentation aligned with product changes to reduce the time and cost of documentation while improving quality and delivery.


Advanced Technical Publishing for Advanced Products


As you develop more innovative and varied products, you need more advanced technical publishing software. The Teamcenter document and content management solution provides structured authoring and publishing with XML and document components. With Teamcenter, you can control the entire technical publishing process from creation, through review and translation, to delivery. You can efficiently re-use content to simplify document production, and use authoring standards like S1000D and DITA. With the integration of Cortona3D RapidAuthor, you can include interactive 3D graphics in place of multiple pages of text. You can ensure the accuracy of your product content and provide both text and graphics for highly effective, interactive technical documentation.

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Increase Productivity by Taking Control of Documents


With the document and content management solution in Teamcenter, you can reduce the manual effort of document production. From any PLM application, you can create documents that are managed in Teamcenter. You can use templates to create documents with consistent content, insert content by relating documents to product structures, and sign and release documents as they are approved. Documents can incorporate product data directly with links to the related data for alerts to product changes. You can retain documents in Teamcenter that are related to specific product configurations and revisions, so they can be re-used and referenced for future product development.


Create and Edit Documents using Microsoft Office


Most people use Microsoft Office® to get their work done. Teamcenter has embedded Office applications across the PLM portfolio, so most of your product-related documents can be created and edited with Office. You can search for product data; create, edit, check-in, check-out and submit documents; and participate in workflows directly from your favorite applications. You can edit bills of materials (BOMs) with Excel®, create requirements documents with Word, or sign-off on reviews from Outlook®. Because you and your teams already know how to use Office, for most users there is no learning curve to use PLM and therefore no formal training required

Bill of Materials Management and Configuration

Know your product with a common source of BOM information across your organization

Teamcenter helps you effectively manage the bill of materials (BOM) as a critical part of your product lifecycle by providing clear, current and accurate product definitions and configurations, specific to the needs of teams and users. You can extend BOM management beyond design and development to include upfront configuration and planning as well as downstream manufacturing, service and support.

Effective BOM (bill of materials) management and BOM configuration are critical to your success, whether your product consists of ten parts or ten million. As you develop more innovative products in order to remain competitive, managing accurate product definitions, including bills of materials, becomes increasingly complex. You need to coordinate the upfront planning of available options and features to meet customer demands, as well as connect with a growing number of partners and suppliers who need to be linked with manufacturing, service and support. All this means that the breadth and depth of your product definition are changing and growing. How do you manage it? How well do you really know your product?

Teamcenter helps you know your product by providing a common source of BOM information across your organization. Whether you need basic BOM management, or more advanced BOM management and BOM configuration with greater flexibility and scalability, Teamcenter BOM management can help you meet and exceed the market demand for more innovative and varied product offerings.


Define and Configure Accurate, Flexible BOMs

Teamcenter provides a single, accurate product definition for all who interact with the BOM. With flexibility in how you define and manage your BOM, you can provide a complete, up-to-date source of information that eliminates the need for standalone spreadsheets and systems. This accurate product definition is critical to managing all BOM configurations. The BOM management and configuration capabilities in Teamcenter help you handle more product options without additional effort. You can be more flexible in responding to your customers’ needs, and quickly refresh product lines to meet their demands.


Work In-Context with Flexible BOM Management

Decision-makers across your product lifecycle have greatly varied needs when it comes to working with the product definition – there is no single way to look at all that information. With Teamcenter BOM management and configuration solutions, people across your organization have secure access to a tailored BOM view that’s relevant to their role and their tasks. Whether they work in product development, manufacturing, service or the supply chain, everyone can see and work with the product definition in a meaningful context for them.


Realize Your Products, from Virtual to Physical


One of the biggest gaps for many companies is the link between the virtual product definition and the physical, delivered product. You might be developing products with limited ability to virtually validate whether they can actually be built. You might be relying on costly prototypes, or virtual tests of only a few valid product configurations. Teamcenter BOM management ties your virtual and physical product definitions together, providing accurate digital validation and simulation. You can digitally validate your products, ensuring that what has been designed can actually be built. With “realized products,” you can eliminate costly prototypes and errors later in the process.


Extend BOM Management across the Lifecycle


BOM management and configuration begins long before a single drawing is made, and continues long after the first part is produced. Teamcenter supports up-front planning and master product definition, through design, development, manufacturing, service and more. In addition, Teamcenter helps you integrate your BOM information across other enterprise systems, such as enterprise resource planning (ERP). You can implement integrated BOM management to eliminate the costly errors associated with independent, standalone BOM sources. With consistent BOM information across systems, you can ensure cost-effective execution of the products you plan for.

PLM Process Execution

Streamline processes and reduce costs by effectively managing the work people do throughout the product lifecycle


Teamcenter can help you manage and execute the many processes required to get the right products to market at the right time. You can effectively coordinate people and the information they need to make the right decisions and get their jobs done. From planning project timing and coordinating cross-functional programs to the actual execution of tasks – everyone throughout the product lifecycle has what they need to get their work done efficiently.

Across your business, people are wasting a lot of time. Without effective product lifecycle management (PLM) process execution, they waste time working with out-of-date information, figuring out what’s next in a process, or searching for the information they need to get their jobs done. They waste time tracking down task status and reconciling information between their project management and work execution systems. Wasted time is wasted money.

What if you could more effectively manage the work people do? With Teamcenter, you can bridge the gap between planning and execution by reducing the manual effort and cost of managing and tracking any PLM process. You can focus people on the right tasks, with the right data, to make the right decisions at the right time.


Digitize, Standardize and Optimize Manual Processes


With Teamcenter, you can automate product development processes, regardless of how simple or complex they are. You can create workflows that build-in your business logic, and define standard process templates to enforce best practices and eliminate errors. Instant status, history and audit trails ensure you have complete control and visibility of your processes. With effective product development process management, you can give everyone exactly what they need to complete their task at the right time.

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Program and Project Management Solutions


Teamcenter includes project and program management solutions that help you bridge the gap between project planning, execution, and the data and deliverables that are the inputs and outputs of the whole PLM process. With a single, integrated solution, you can more effectively manage programs, projects, resources, tasks and schedules.

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Product Change Management


Change management is a critical PLM process. Teamcenter delivers end-to-end, closed-loop product change management so you can synchronize change and integrate your change processes across all product domains. With flexible change management powered by PLM, you can implement change quickly, accurately and comprehensively.

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Enterprise Portfolio Management


With Teamcenter product development process management, you can take the right products to market at the right time with a holistic view of information to optimize your portfolio. You can leverage best-in-class enterprise portfolio management tools to determine what should be executed by aligning your product and project portfolio with your revenue targets and strategic objectives. With enterprise portfolio management connected to a PLM process, you can make smarter portfolio decisions with a clear understanding of what can be executed. With PLM and portfolio management working together, you can ensure you have the time, people, and money to meet your targets.

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